Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Choose Beautiful

          "Choose Beautiful" is an advertisement or more like a movement form Dove the popular shampoo brand. In the video a social experiment occurs where above the doorway to what appears to be a mall are two signs. Above the doorway it says "average" and above the other door way there is a sign that says "Beautiful." The experiment is setup to see how women of any age would react and most importantly which door way they choose. The significance to which door way they choose reflects upon their self confidence but also how they view themselves. While watching the video it is surprising to see how many women choose the "average" doorway and how most of them are so insecure about going through a door that they choose the average door. I think that main reason that they choose to go through the average door rather than the beautiful door is that they are comparing themselves to the supermodels they see in the media who are photoshopped and die in such a way that are only beneficial their social media presence and not at all contributing toward a healthy lifestyle. As we saw in "The Beguiling Truth" comparing yourself to these people is not what you should be doing but instead accepting yourself for who you are.

              As for the very few women who chose the beautiful door, Those are the women you should look up to because those are the people who know what's what and they don't evaluate themselves based on others but rather how they feel they themselves look and when it boils down to that, everyone is beautiful. I think we should have more campaigns like the one Dove made and help raise awareness for the young women who are beautiful but choose to think otherwise due to the effects of the people around them. The other campaigns shouldn't all be social experiments but instead a petition for more diversity in the media or a woman self appreciation day. I believe many women are struggling with this and we should shed some light on the manner. While there are people out here trying to make a difference in the end the change starts with you and how you view yourself. That's all I have to say about this particular video from Dove because it was such a short and simple video but the topic itself is way more important and complex and shouldn't be left unspoken about.