Monday, December 10, 2018

Anti-war Poetry

The music video "where is the love" was made by the Black Eyed Peas. It was published in 2003 March 3 (which was 3/3/03). It was made because around that time was the 9/11 terrorist attack on the twin towers in New York. It's also a symbol of ending racism and sexism.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Today I'm gonna answer 3 of the many questions that were available. First question I chose was: What was the funniest thing that happend to you? This question was really hard to answer because I look at memes every day and their all really funny. Here is one of them:
Here is another one:
The next question was what is the saddest thing that you have experienced?
I think it was when I found out my sister wasn't normal and that she had dyslexia. The last question I chose was what was the most exciting thing to ever happen to you? I think it was my first time going to DisneyLand when I was around maybe 7. Here's a souvenir:

Saturday, December 1, 2018


The definition of FOMO is: The feeling of anxiety or insecurity over the possibility of missing out. FOMO also just plain means the fear of missing out. This term was invented by a Harverd MBA named     Patrik J McGinnis. Sometimes when me and my friends are supposed to go out, most of the time it's just my luck that my parents were already going to take me somewhere or we were gonna visit relatives on that very day.

The Civil Rights Movement

The Civil rights movement in the United States was a decades-long movement. It was all about the goal of enforcing constitutional and legal rights for African Americans that other Americans already had the privilege of having. Some of these civil rights were ensuring of people's physical and mental integrity, protecting from discrimination such as: race, gender, sexual orientation, color, age etc.  There's a lot of modern day segregation, In Egypt if a women and a man apply for the same job and they have the same set of skills, it's more likely that they would pick the man. Same thing with universities in America, they would take in a white man rather than a black man, they do this by looking at the the names of whoever sent an application from. If they had a black name for example Tyrone vs a guy with a white name like Mark they would most likely pick Mark.

A Lesson Learned

So so far this year I learned that the reason you get bad grades is because of Procrastination. In the begging of the year I wanted to do as little work at the beginning and before finals I would just study what I needed to and get the grades I needed to pass. Then I was presented with the fact that h.w and school work we 70% of my grade. This meant I couldn't only have 30% on my report card. Then I turned around my ways and started actually doing my h.w, for the first time. In my old school it was the other way around. 70% of the grade were finals and 30% was h.w, so I never did any h.w. Till this day I sometimes procrastinate, for example a project, I usually prepare my ideas (I don't even write them down anywhere) and do the project on the day before the due date. I try not to procrastinate these days but, no one's perfect.