Monday, October 29, 2018

Multiple Intelligences

My results show that my intelligence type is a Bodily-kinesthetic. Now I truly disagree with is in more than one way. I know for a fact that my intelligence type is Linguistic/Spatial because that's just the way I think. The way I see it , the only reason I can see that my points add up for me to be a Bodily-kinesthetic is because I play a lot of sports and I'm always active outside. So when it asked me questions based on Bodily-kinesthetic I answered all of them 3 if not 4, because I'm an active person. That doesn't mean it's the way I think because while I'm thinking for example right now I'm asking myself questions and picture scenarios in my head on what I could do. Though the test shows I'm a Bodily-kinesthetic the jobs recommended don't tie in with anything I would ever consider on becoming. I want to grow up to be an artist and express myself through my art work and my animations. The way I see it this test needs a more modern touch and until then I wouldn't advocate you on trusting this out of date MI test to decide your future or tell you how to think. 


  1. This is a very interesting praragraph that’s very unique I don’t think anyone has disagreed because they just accept what a test told them. I think it didn’t work for you because you do a variety of things, but I’m sure it worked for some people.

  2. I completely enjoyed your paragraph it was very interesting. I like it the most because you actually explained that you don’t agree with it while everyone else (including me) agreed and accepted their results.

  3. Your paragraph interested me very much, besides it encouraged me to read more of your articles because, I like how you express your opinion in a wonderful way. Great job.
