Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Tech Age

The quote reads "students are growing up on a digital playground and no one is on recess duty. So lets break it down one by one, by digital playground it means that kids these days aren't having the regular go outside and play (not including school) but instead free to do what ever they want with no limits on their device such as; phones, i-pads/tablets, laptops and the minor one consoles such as playstations, Xboxs, Nintendo switches etc.. The reason I said minor on consoles is because you could only play games wich are bought with the approval of you parents and you can only watch Netflix if you have a playstaion if you want to watch on your console. The second part to it which I think is the most important part is "...and no one is on recess duty. This refers to how no one can really monitor what your doing unless they have advanced technology like the goverment, or if your parents download a cheap app that your going to get notified that your being watched anyway and you will know. The purpose of this quote is to say that technology is bad but thats not entirely true. Technology os a good thing and its the reason I can make posts like this. My point is that the tech is good but the students are the ones misusing it. That dosent mean that we should strip them from their freedom, instead give them a certian amount of time like, an hour in the morning, an hour in the middle of the day and an hour at night. The only thing I see them having is a flip phone. Even though it cant be tracked you don't have to because with no access to the internet they can only make calls and if only the parents put in their numbers and we apply this to all students then all is good with the world.  

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