Wednesday, February 27, 2019


There are two ways to interpret this word. The first way is by it's textbook definition, lack of variety; uniformity or monotony. The other way to interpret "sameness" is by giving it the synonym equity which means being fair to every one depending on their situation. This picture accurately represents equity.

So judging by the context  of the "sameness" blog post, I think the first option is what I'm supposed to write about. In school were all provided with the same clothes which is the school uniform.However most people only stick with the school shirt and have a jacket/hoodie above, for the school pats, the most common excuse is "I can't find my size". This leaves us room for hair cuts, personality and overall look. Most people don't go into personality and judge you straight off of how you look, but we can't say they completely ignore it. Speaking of personalities, looks aren't everything. Some people are popular for there sense of humor, others for how smart they are. In the end we shouldn't judge people based on their looks but rather their personalty.

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