Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Sahel

I was recently in the Sahel and it was the first time I've travelled since last year. It was a blast but one day was unlike the others. Our compound is Lavista Cascada but we visited other ones because we had friends and family there. Just for context our beach is in my experience the best beach I've been to. We were heading to Telal which is one of the most beautiful and gorgeous places in Sahel but, their beach was way diffrent then ours. Our beach dosen't have any rocks on the shore or in the water, also the sand is natural meaning no one bought the sand and but it near some water. In Telal their beach is practically one huge stone. You know how sometimes on a d beach you see a sand rock and it kinda looks like a rock but it's fragile and easy to crumble. In Telal all their sand is sand rocks but their "sand rocks" are literally almost as strong as regular rocks. Wgen you put them in water they dont just instantly turn into sand but they stay rock for a bit then they only half turn into sand but mistly this werid red stuff which I'm pretty sure is Iron. I mentioned that our beach didnt have any rocks in the water, well Telal has so many rocks in the water that they literally have a bridge that goes over the rocks to the only part of their beach where you can even enter which is usally filled with people. There was this thing I guess you could call it a floating playgroung so me and my cousion sawn to it avoiding rocks left and right and it took like 10 minutes to get there and when we did we climbed on and we fealt good, but it didn't last. Turns out you had to pay 200 EGP an hout to play on some weird floating stuff they had which wasn't worth it at all. The other this he told us was that we would come wearing a life jacket and give him a ticket so we would go on. One things for sure I'm never going back to Telal. Thank you and have a great summer.

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