Monday, December 10, 2018

Anti-war Poetry

The music video "where is the love" was made by the Black Eyed Peas. It was published in 2003 March 3 (which was 3/3/03). It was made because around that time was the 9/11 terrorist attack on the twin towers in New York. It's also a symbol of ending racism and sexism.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Today I'm gonna answer 3 of the many questions that were available. First question I chose was: What was the funniest thing that happend to you? This question was really hard to answer because I look at memes every day and their all really funny. Here is one of them:
Here is another one:
The next question was what is the saddest thing that you have experienced?
I think it was when I found out my sister wasn't normal and that she had dyslexia. The last question I chose was what was the most exciting thing to ever happen to you? I think it was my first time going to DisneyLand when I was around maybe 7. Here's a souvenir:

Saturday, December 1, 2018


The definition of FOMO is: The feeling of anxiety or insecurity over the possibility of missing out. FOMO also just plain means the fear of missing out. This term was invented by a Harverd MBA named     Patrik J McGinnis. Sometimes when me and my friends are supposed to go out, most of the time it's just my luck that my parents were already going to take me somewhere or we were gonna visit relatives on that very day.

The Civil Rights Movement

The Civil rights movement in the United States was a decades-long movement. It was all about the goal of enforcing constitutional and legal rights for African Americans that other Americans already had the privilege of having. Some of these civil rights were ensuring of people's physical and mental integrity, protecting from discrimination such as: race, gender, sexual orientation, color, age etc.  There's a lot of modern day segregation, In Egypt if a women and a man apply for the same job and they have the same set of skills, it's more likely that they would pick the man. Same thing with universities in America, they would take in a white man rather than a black man, they do this by looking at the the names of whoever sent an application from. If they had a black name for example Tyrone vs a guy with a white name like Mark they would most likely pick Mark.

A Lesson Learned

So so far this year I learned that the reason you get bad grades is because of Procrastination. In the begging of the year I wanted to do as little work at the beginning and before finals I would just study what I needed to and get the grades I needed to pass. Then I was presented with the fact that h.w and school work we 70% of my grade. This meant I couldn't only have 30% on my report card. Then I turned around my ways and started actually doing my h.w, for the first time. In my old school it was the other way around. 70% of the grade were finals and 30% was h.w, so I never did any h.w. Till this day I sometimes procrastinate, for example a project, I usually prepare my ideas (I don't even write them down anywhere) and do the project on the day before the due date. I try not to procrastinate these days but, no one's perfect.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

An Insperation

The girl in the video talked about how she woke up one day and felt an urge to find herself. She goes around the world and she sees 2 girls no older than the age of 7. These 2 girls both live in poverty and don't have education. They work as luggage carriers who carry luggage out of tourist buses and get paid $1-$2 a day. She decided to make a life changing decision and buy a piece of land for $5,000. She builds an orphanage there and she provides basic health care and a meal every day. She then moved on to giving them an education and keeping track of their progress and they would soon become the first literate generation in their families.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

My Birth

First of all the people that were there when my mom was giving birth to me were my aunts, cousion and my grand parents from my dad side (my grand ma from my mom side died when my mom was young and my grand father from my moms side had a kidney failure at the time). The people that were there in the room with her were my dad and my grandpa. I really don't have much to day about this so that just raps it up.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Impactful Quotes

"Never quit what makes you smile". This quote was said by Heath ledger (a famous actor from Australia) who is usually recognized in his role as the joker from batman the dark night. Heath died in 2008 and although he has a lot of quotes, this one is what really helps me get through tough times.

Nature vs Nurture

In the debate my side was nurture. I really just planned on talking  about nature and not nurture. Still it was a relatively easy topic to debate upon. Going in I thought it would only be nature that shaped a person's personality but now I think that both nature and nurture play a huge role in a person's personality.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Not a Single Scratch

This blog post was optional so I decided to write about the fact that I basicly never had a major injury. Meaning I never broke a single bone, never got rushed to the hospital to get stitches and I never got a bloody nose. Now the reason i don't tell this to anyone is because Im afraid people are always gonna get the perception of me being in introvert or what I mean is they're gonna think I never take risks or do something dangerous for fun, but the thing is that I'm just extremely lucky when it comes to not getting injured. This doesn't mean I've never felt "real pain" as some people may tell me. Two years ago which was the summer of 2017. I got food poisoning from a club sandwich I ate on the beach (they were probably the tomatoes), that night I vomited 12 times (yes I did count them) that was all around 4 in the morning when I vomited. That's when I got rushed to the hospital and the stuck a plastic tube about an inch wide into my arm injecting a fluid that kinda just looked like water to me. Why am I telling you this whole 2017 barf fest is because I have felt "pain" before (even though that's not a good thing).

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Nature vs Nurture

The way I see it both nature and nurture play a huge role in our lives, especially twins. An example of this is Eva and Eve. Both Eva and Eve lived so far away from each other because of the separation at the orphanage when they were infants and were both raised to 2 different parents, but that doesn't change the fact that their personalities are nearly an exact replica of each other, Eva even states (or Eve can't remember which one it was) that their basically the same person. This is a huge upbringing  towards nature because it just shows you no matter what genetics and science will always take over except.. Slight differences between Eve and Eva are still noticeable, for example they might eat different food or watch different shows, this is because of their nurture. Of course being brought up in  two different environments and not getting the same exact  parents does change their personality a bit. The way I see it both nature and nurture play a huge role in a person's life.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Multiple Intelligences

My results show that my intelligence type is a Bodily-kinesthetic. Now I truly disagree with is in more than one way. I know for a fact that my intelligence type is Linguistic/Spatial because that's just the way I think. The way I see it , the only reason I can see that my points add up for me to be a Bodily-kinesthetic is because I play a lot of sports and I'm always active outside. So when it asked me questions based on Bodily-kinesthetic I answered all of them 3 if not 4, because I'm an active person. That doesn't mean it's the way I think because while I'm thinking for example right now I'm asking myself questions and picture scenarios in my head on what I could do. Though the test shows I'm a Bodily-kinesthetic the jobs recommended don't tie in with anything I would ever consider on becoming. I want to grow up to be an artist and express myself through my art work and my animations. The way I see it this test needs a more modern touch and until then I wouldn't advocate you on trusting this out of date MI test to decide your future or tell you how to think. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Anonymous Pipe Bombs

Secret service personally intercepted a bomb addressed to the residence of former president Barak Obama in Northwest Washington. It was similar to the package addressed to the Clinton's, and like that other device a pipe bomb addressed to the residence of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and former president Bill Clinton in Chappaqua, N.Y. The "potential explosive device" did not pose a threat to the Clinton's, the agency said. Till today the people who have sent the bombs remain anonymous.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Disappearance of Jamal Khadhoggi

Jamal Khashoggi went missing after visiting the country's consulate in Istanbul but he went in and never came out, this is because he was murdered by Saudi Arabia because Jamal wanted to write bad on Saudi Arabia which would have had an impact on them so they decided to murder him and get a look alike of him to wear his clothes and walk out so the cameras would be able to see that Jamal Khoshoggi never came out. This plan had 2 flaws, one the look a like had different colored hair and he didn't bother to dye it and two was that Jamal had a smaller foot size so when the look like walked out he didn't bother to try and he just walked away wearing regular sneakers. This was a dumb move on Saudi Arabia's part. The cameras detected this and so Saudi Arabia paid Egypt and America to talk about how it's all a misunderstanding to cover up the fact that they murderd Jamal Khashoggi which costed them billions.

Friday, October 19, 2018

My Favorite Toy as a Child

Five years ago I was 8 and a half years old. Now I'm not really sure what my favorite toy was because when I was a kid I didn't like playing with toys but I believe it was my playstation 2 slim. Every one else at the time had the playstaion 3 but I was more than happy with my playstation 2 slim. I'd come back home every day from school wanting for it to open (back then it took five minutes or so for the playstaion to load up). my favorite 2 game were "The Incredibles", based of the movie The Incredibles and a Spider Man Web of Shadows game. I still have till this day but now I play on the playstaion 4 slim which is a massive upgrade between the two. All in all it was my first gaming console and it was the one that taught me I love to game.

Free Will

I believe that everyone has their own free will, yes something's in life are already decided for you like if you were born as a boy or a girl, if you were born to parents that can provide for you or if you'll go to a really bad public school However we have the choice to change some of these things and make our own future. A good example of us having free will is if you were born a beggar and homeless , you could work hard and long until you reach your goal to become successful and have a roof above your head. This proves that we all have free will and also when you think about it, a single choice that you make changes you're whole life.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Teaching Prison Inmates

Since 2002 Alabama has been giving inmates in ten of their prisons a semester long education. The reasoning behind this is that they believe when an inmate learns he gets smarter and understands the consequences of his actions and he acceptes them.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Making My First Animation

Making my first *Drawn animation has always been my dream. I've done quite a few silly little stick man animations on an app on my laptop called pivot animator,but I stopped because the app was unsupported and I got a virus. I have the tools to start real animations, I have a Stylest (which is the correct term for an electronic pen) and I have an iPad which is basicly the same thing as a drawing tablet, I've downloaded a few animating apps where I can do all the animations, yet I still never try eventhough the only person who's stopping me is my own self.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

My Hidden Talent

An interesting thing about me is that I'm an "above  average" drawer. Although many people are good at drawing, I have my own unique style. Again I'm not the best drawer and my only knowledge of drawing comes from my own mind, meaning I'm self taught. I've never went to a speacial art school or anything but I order for you to become an artist, you don't need any speacial help. All you really need is a pencil, a paper and patience. I sometimes spend a month on the same drawing just to perfect it in my own way. I personally don't like to draw too realistic, I prefer a cartoony style only because, when I draw my mind is out of reality so why would I draw realisticly?

The Lollipop Affect

I personally have never experienced the lollipopaffect to my knowledge and I can only describe it in one way mind blowing. you see when you think about it the simplest thing can change someone's life

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

My Dream Job

It's always been my life long goal to be an animator/artist when I grow up. I work hard towards this goal and I've already started animations . My personal skills that would hell me achieve this goal is that I'm already pretty talented in drawing. I have a natural way of drawing swiftly withought any extra help. I would like to one day become a famous artist and be remmberd years and years after I'm gone.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Traits of a Good Friend

I thought long and hard about this question: What are the traits of a good friend... I narowwed it down to 3 things from personal experience.

The first trait of a good friend is that they will always be by your side. They should always have your back and always be there when you need them.

 Secondly they must always keep your secrets no matter what, now this is a hard one because in order for them to keep your secrets they must be loyal which brings us to our third and final trait is loyalty.

As I was saying in order for a friend to keep a secret they have to be loyal. I have more than just one best friend and it would be hard to pick one specific one so this just sums it all up on traits of a good friend.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Visual Interpretation

Visual interpretation is when you look at something and you get a certain idea on what it is and later on believe how you see it is how every one else should see it. We have all fallen into this category one to many times however it's abnormal that we don't even try to understand onther person's perspective regardless that we don't know the concept behind that certain thing, for all we know they could have a really good explanation on why they think otherwise but we would be to egotistical to listen. From personal experience I've missed out on some really great story's on why people had different perspectives on things because I was too cocky to listen. All in all I would encourage you to listen more before arguing about how someone is incorrect.

My Hero

My personal hero is my mom. To me my mom seems as she can do everything all at once. She multitasks raising 2 children,workin for 8 hours staigh (she wakes up at 6am in the morning), cooks food for all four of us which is my dad, my sister and me, but my mom only cooks on the weekend because we have a chef that cooks for us. However my mom still manges to make time for us and helps us when we fall into a problem. All in all my mom is the most caring person in the world. Some might call her...Super mom!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Dr. Seuss

"You will miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut." This quote was said by doctor Seuss a famous childrens book writer. I think this quote is really interesting and meanigful beacause what Dr. Suess actually means is that if you don't go exploring and you always have the same boring schedule to follow, you will never see any of the spectacular scenes in life. I personally hold this quote close to my heart. I love traveling the world and trying new things and always taking my time to explore.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Big Rocks

Big Rocks was a really interesting video. The plot of the video is to show you that  if you put the important things in life first, you would be able to fit everything else into your life. I really liked the video and the idea/thinking behind it. However, I didn't like the way of production meaning, I would have liked more background information like the way he thought up the idea. All in all I thought the video was interesting and  I would recommend you watch it.