Tuesday, February 19, 2019


What is theme of the video. The video starts off by talking about Mohed when he was in his child hood. He lost both of his parents and went to live with his grandma. Mohed was no rich man. He was very poor so his grandmother wanted him to be a shepherd but Mohed thought otherwise. Mohed wanted to go to school so he denied his fate of being a poor shepherd and walked 10 miles every day to go to school on his bare feet. The only problem was... he wasn't enrolled in school. He would walk those ten miles everyday so he could watch the teacher through a small hole in the wall. Eventually the teacher noticed and he let Mohed come in and join the lesson everyday. Mohed was an excellent student and he was so great that it struck jealousy into the students. One day the students dug a hole and pushed Mohed into it. Mohed escaped but vowed never to be pushed around again, But one day he got a scholarship to study abroad in France. When he arrived in France he was broke and alone. He barely understood his professor but tried hard to any ways. He worked in vine yards making $15 a day to put himself through college. He felt the need to do something, anything so he took the chance of investing in a dyeing scaffolding company. The company is now one of the best scaffolding companies in the world. The theme of Mohed story/journey is to believe in yourself. Mohed went from zero to a hundred not because he was inheritably rich or famous but because of his hard work.

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