Wednesday, February 6, 2019

One Thing No One Knows About Me

This post was hard to do because I'm not secretive at all. I'm usually open to people about myself but one of the few, few things people don't know about me is how many different school I've went to. My first school (not counting pre-school) was Continental. I spent two years in Continental which were kg1 and kg2. To this day I remember the principal Saniah Nemar. The only reason I remember her was because she used to pull students ears and once made a boy in 11th grade at that time cry because of how hard she was pulling. My second school was Elite and I spent 3 years there.  There was two sides to the school, American and British. I was in the British curriculum. So I spent 1st-3rd grade in Elite. The third school I went to was Windrose Academy. Windrose was by far my favorite school. It had some of my best friends there but the education system wasn't all that. Now I'm in C.I.S.E and my parents promised me this is gonna be the last school I go to. The whole point of me talking about is because no one realizes It's hard to keep friends and heartbreaking when you spend 3 years building a friendship and have it torn away from you 3 times in a row. Hopefully this is the last school I go to and I won't have to go through that same process again.

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