Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The message

The quote basically says that every story/situation has two perspectives. By a "different lens" the mean through another person's eyes. A great example of this is if someone owes a guy a lot of money but he knows that person can't afford to pay him back so that guy chooses not take that person not to take that person in to court so he lets him go. The following day a third person owes the newly released person no more than a month's salary. The newly realest man chooses to send the third person to court and that third person ends up in jail. A regular person who is looking in to the story would say that newly released man has every right to do so, a person who knows  the whole story would say the newly released  person had no right to do so because he owed a man a fortune and got away with it. The quote also says that how you respond is what matters. I agree with this statement because as I mentioned in my example that the newly released guy wanted the money the third guy owed him. This shows that the newly released guy didn't believe he was off the hook so his first response to the first person he meets is to take the money so if anyone asks he can at least make back a fraction of what he used to owe. This example was an example given in the bible.(Mathew 18 bible verse 23:35).

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