Friday, July 26, 2019

The Lucky Day

It started like any other day at the Sahel woke up had breakfast went to the beach for a couple of hours then pool for a couple more, had Lunch and then we went out. Me and my family went to stella walk and they had dinner there. Than all of a sudden a huge group of people are gathering around and I can't see what's happening. I lift my sister up and she telles me she sees Amy Samir Ghanem. At first I didn't belive her but my cousion told me her dad is shooting an ad at stella so it could be true. I start walking closer to the croud and now in to it. All I wanted was to tell her I thought she was a good actor and that I really liked "نلي و شريهان" a popular one season show that aired in Ramadan. I eventually got to her and told her, she appreciated it and asked if I wanted a picture so...

Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Sahel

I was recently in the Sahel and it was the first time I've travelled since last year. It was a blast but one day was unlike the others. Our compound is Lavista Cascada but we visited other ones because we had friends and family there. Just for context our beach is in my experience the best beach I've been to. We were heading to Telal which is one of the most beautiful and gorgeous places in Sahel but, their beach was way diffrent then ours. Our beach dosen't have any rocks on the shore or in the water, also the sand is natural meaning no one bought the sand and but it near some water. In Telal their beach is practically one huge stone. You know how sometimes on a d beach you see a sand rock and it kinda looks like a rock but it's fragile and easy to crumble. In Telal all their sand is sand rocks but their "sand rocks" are literally almost as strong as regular rocks. Wgen you put them in water they dont just instantly turn into sand but they stay rock for a bit then they only half turn into sand but mistly this werid red stuff which I'm pretty sure is Iron. I mentioned that our beach didnt have any rocks in the water, well Telal has so many rocks in the water that they literally have a bridge that goes over the rocks to the only part of their beach where you can even enter which is usally filled with people. There was this thing I guess you could call it a floating playgroung so me and my cousion sawn to it avoiding rocks left and right and it took like 10 minutes to get there and when we did we climbed on and we fealt good, but it didn't last. Turns out you had to pay 200 EGP an hout to play on some weird floating stuff they had which wasn't worth it at all. The other this he told us was that we would come wearing a life jacket and give him a ticket so we would go on. One things for sure I'm never going back to Telal. Thank you and have a great summer.

Monday, April 15, 2019


Socrates was born in 469 BC in Alopece and he spent most of his time in Athens Greece but other than that there is not much to say about his past because nearly nothing is documented. He was a philosopher and one of his most famous quotes is "True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing" Here he is trying to uproot ignorance which was very common back then. He also went around his city pressing people's beliefs revealing they know nothing and it made them rethink what they're lead to believe.This way of thinking was called the Socratic Method and it's used as a form of critical discussion in English and Law classes. Socrates was also an open critic of the city's newly formed democracy. Socrates was later charged with not believing in the Athenian way in 399 BC and they claimed that he used his ideas to corrupt the youth and he was sentenced to death by poison. That was the end of Socrates as a man but his soul and ways will carry out through out our lifetimes and his way of thinking and how wise he was will never be forgotten.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Who Makes The Rules

In the novel the giver, the elders are responsible for most of the rules and how the community works. The rules are pretty much rock solid and some of them might never change. When there is a rule they think they need to change they take it into study which is a rather good thing. You wouldn't want people to just come up with protests basically just crying d begging you and annoying just to change the rules, you wouldn't even have the time to think about it you would just change the rules because of annoying citizens,but that's crazy right? Oh wait. I think that our real world community is flawed (which it should be because nothing is perfect). I'm saying that nagging to the government and not leaving them a chance to investigate is crazy. Here in Egypt, whenever there is something we don't like, instead of taking it in a professional way and choosing one person to represent us and have them host meetings we just take to the streets crying and screaming until we get what we want. I don't mean that all communities are to  be as overly strict s the one in the giver, but we should at least have a sense of authority.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Tech Age

The quote reads "students are growing up on a digital playground and no one is on recess duty. So lets break it down one by one, by digital playground it means that kids these days aren't having the regular go outside and play (not including school) but instead free to do what ever they want with no limits on their device such as; phones, i-pads/tablets, laptops and the minor one consoles such as playstations, Xboxs, Nintendo switches etc.. The reason I said minor on consoles is because you could only play games wich are bought with the approval of you parents and you can only watch Netflix if you have a playstaion if you want to watch on your console. The second part to it which I think is the most important part is "...and no one is on recess duty. This refers to how no one can really monitor what your doing unless they have advanced technology like the goverment, or if your parents download a cheap app that your going to get notified that your being watched anyway and you will know. The purpose of this quote is to say that technology is bad but thats not entirely true. Technology os a good thing and its the reason I can make posts like this. My point is that the tech is good but the students are the ones misusing it. That dosent mean that we should strip them from their freedom, instead give them a certian amount of time like, an hour in the morning, an hour in the middle of the day and an hour at night. The only thing I see them having is a flip phone. Even though it cant be tracked you don't have to because with no access to the internet they can only make calls and if only the parents put in their numbers and we apply this to all students then all is good with the world.  

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


There are two ways to interpret this word. The first way is by it's textbook definition, lack of variety; uniformity or monotony. The other way to interpret "sameness" is by giving it the synonym equity which means being fair to every one depending on their situation. This picture accurately represents equity.

So judging by the context  of the "sameness" blog post, I think the first option is what I'm supposed to write about. In school were all provided with the same clothes which is the school uniform.However most people only stick with the school shirt and have a jacket/hoodie above, for the school pats, the most common excuse is "I can't find my size". This leaves us room for hair cuts, personality and overall look. Most people don't go into personality and judge you straight off of how you look, but we can't say they completely ignore it. Speaking of personalities, looks aren't everything. Some people are popular for there sense of humor, others for how smart they are. In the end we shouldn't judge people based on their looks but rather their personalty.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


I believe that sometimes or in some cases its okay to change your morals for a good cause. Using the example given to us " would you kill a mass murderer?" Here would be a great pace to break a no killing rule you've set for yourself. In this case you would be preventing so many more murders because of that one rule you broke. On the other hand you may slip into a hole of thinking it's okay because the one time you did it you got rewarded or felt accomplished. It mostly depends on the person if they have the will power to go past their morals once and revert back to them after words or if they can't escape it and will have new morals replacing the old ones.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


What is theme of the video. The video starts off by talking about Mohed when he was in his child hood. He lost both of his parents and went to live with his grandma. Mohed was no rich man. He was very poor so his grandmother wanted him to be a shepherd but Mohed thought otherwise. Mohed wanted to go to school so he denied his fate of being a poor shepherd and walked 10 miles every day to go to school on his bare feet. The only problem was... he wasn't enrolled in school. He would walk those ten miles everyday so he could watch the teacher through a small hole in the wall. Eventually the teacher noticed and he let Mohed come in and join the lesson everyday. Mohed was an excellent student and he was so great that it struck jealousy into the students. One day the students dug a hole and pushed Mohed into it. Mohed escaped but vowed never to be pushed around again, But one day he got a scholarship to study abroad in France. When he arrived in France he was broke and alone. He barely understood his professor but tried hard to any ways. He worked in vine yards making $15 a day to put himself through college. He felt the need to do something, anything so he took the chance of investing in a dyeing scaffolding company. The company is now one of the best scaffolding companies in the world. The theme of Mohed story/journey is to believe in yourself. Mohed went from zero to a hundred not because he was inheritably rich or famous but because of his hard work.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The message

The quote basically says that every story/situation has two perspectives. By a "different lens" the mean through another person's eyes. A great example of this is if someone owes a guy a lot of money but he knows that person can't afford to pay him back so that guy chooses not take that person not to take that person in to court so he lets him go. The following day a third person owes the newly released person no more than a month's salary. The newly realest man chooses to send the third person to court and that third person ends up in jail. A regular person who is looking in to the story would say that newly released man has every right to do so, a person who knows  the whole story would say the newly released  person had no right to do so because he owed a man a fortune and got away with it. The quote also says that how you respond is what matters. I agree with this statement because as I mentioned in my example that the newly released guy wanted the money the third guy owed him. This shows that the newly released guy didn't believe he was off the hook so his first response to the first person he meets is to take the money so if anyone asks he can at least make back a fraction of what he used to owe. This example was an example given in the bible.(Mathew 18 bible verse 23:35).

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

One Thing No One Knows About Me

This post was hard to do because I'm not secretive at all. I'm usually open to people about myself but one of the few, few things people don't know about me is how many different school I've went to. My first school (not counting pre-school) was Continental. I spent two years in Continental which were kg1 and kg2. To this day I remember the principal Saniah Nemar. The only reason I remember her was because she used to pull students ears and once made a boy in 11th grade at that time cry because of how hard she was pulling. My second school was Elite and I spent 3 years there.  There was two sides to the school, American and British. I was in the British curriculum. So I spent 1st-3rd grade in Elite. The third school I went to was Windrose Academy. Windrose was by far my favorite school. It had some of my best friends there but the education system wasn't all that. Now I'm in C.I.S.E and my parents promised me this is gonna be the last school I go to. The whole point of me talking about is because no one realizes It's hard to keep friends and heartbreaking when you spend 3 years building a friendship and have it torn away from you 3 times in a row. Hopefully this is the last school I go to and I won't have to go through that same process again.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Min-ji son

Dear Min-ji son,
I didn't know you very well but I hope you enjoyed your stay at C.I.S.E. Good luck on your new school.

Friday, January 25, 2019

A Fresh Start

War In Syria

The reason the girl looked so sad when the photographer asked her to smile is because of the war in Syria. The war in Syria has been going on for 7 years and 10 months. Judging by how the girl looks I can infer that she is probably over 7 years and 10 months. The girl was probably living a regular life and one day her life was ruined. The pain she must be going through and witnessing death all around her every day would also take a toll on her health. Her whole family goes to bed wondering if there will be a tomorrow to wake up to.